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About Me

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Nicholas Pugliese

Nicholas Pugliese is a special effects make-up artist originally from Staten Island, New York. Growing up his older brother introduced him to movies such as Ghostbusters, Predator, Terminator, and of course - Star Wars. These movies would go on to be the inspiration that lead to a career in special effects, with a particular interest in science fiction creatures and monsters.

After studying for two years towards a finance degree, Nicholas made a decision to change career paths and attend Tom Savini's Special Effects Make-Up Program at Douglas Education. After graduating in January 2015 he moved out to Los Angeles a few months later.

The first experience he received in California was apprenticing with mask maker and creature designer - Casey Love. In his first year in LA he would go on to work at Alliance Studios, helping to make life-size statue for Riot Games, and at Amalgamated Dynamics, Inc for Independence Day 2: Resurgence. 

Over the next couple of years he would work on various projects for Alterian Inc., Alchemy Studios, VGP Studios, Global Effects, Vincent Van Dyke FX, and Creature Effects. During this time he has primarily worked as a lab technichian specializing in the trades of mold making and seaming.



As part of side projects Nicholas has made custom latex masks and enamel pins for sale. There are future plans continue also make resin kits, kitchen magnets, and bigger plans for bobble heads.

            Primal Fusion Studios at MaskFest 2016

            Primal Fusion Studios at MaskFest 2016